Monday, March 15, 2010

Prayers and Praises

Praise God for healing Bo. She had been dealing with seizures since she was a child. She had surgery last week and is now seizure free.

Continue to pray for the work being done in Haiti and Chile.

Praise God for healing my daughter of the cold she had last week.

Pray for me as I deal with a family matter concerning my daughter and my ex-husband.

Praise God for His many blessings!

Pray for all the students who are just trying to make it through a tough semester after the rough winter we've had.

Pray for E. for healing from cancer.


  1. I feel like so many people as a child is very mean to other children because they do not have as much as other kids. When they grow up they seem to forget all the pain they have caused to someone. I just wonder if you ever think about who you were mean to as a child? I can tell you that this pain never goes away. I am just so thankful I found a GODLY man who tries everyday to keep the pain away and works very hard so my children will not suffer as my siblings and I did growing up in Boone, NC.

  2. I agree with what you have to say about the pain of childhood staying with you. I was made fun of a lot when I was young because I was the "fat kid". I was very tenderhearted and took most things personally. Then as I grew up, I realized I needed to develop a tougher skin, but ended up creating a wall around my heart. The best way to be completely healed of the pain of the past is to give it to God. When the pain is too great or the load too heavy to lift up to him, ask God to come to you and take it away. He's a lot stronger than we are. In the process make sure you forgive those who hurt you. For me, that has probably been the biggest part of my own healing.
    I'm glad you have a wonderful man who is there for you now. I have one of those as well. Continue to thank God for him, but don't let him become your God.
    Thank you for posting to this blog. I appreciate all the feedback I get, and I will be praying for you.
    In God's love,
    Elizabeth McLeod
