Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What it Takes

Have you ever thought, “Do I have what it takes?”  It could be any number of things you may not feel prepared for: going back to school, ministry, parenthood, changing jobs, moving to a new town… the list is endless.  We tend to the play the game, “But God…”, whenever He calls us for something that seems crazy; and we have an endless list of excuses: 

If I start this ministry, then I will have to quit my job. What will we live on?... I can’t go back to school.  I don’t have the money or the time…  We can’t move away from here.  We won’t know anyone, the kids will have to start at a new school, the cost of living is higher, and the unemployment rate in that area is bad…
I could keep going, but I know you’ve got the point.  What we have to remember is that God doesn’t give us anything He won’t (or hasn’t already) prepared us for.  He always has our best interests at heart, even when we can’t see it.  It’s a matter of faith.  What may seem crazy to us is perfectly sane to God.  He has not only our past and our present in His hands, but our future as well.  He’s already there waiting for us, wanting to give us everything He’s got.  All we have to do is meet Him there.

2 Corinthians 5:7        Ephesians 6:10-20        Hebrews 11 
Hebrews 12:2-3                      James 2:14-26

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