Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spend Your Love

Do you know anyone who is constantly bothered by what they don’t have?  Now, before you think I’m going down the ‘count your blessings’ road, stop your car, get out, and in the famous words of The Beverly Hillbillies, “set a spell”.  I have a friend who has been so filled up with the prosperity message that his mindset now tells him that because he doesn’t have much, he can’t be a good witness to others.  Please don’t get me wrong, the prosperity message is a good one.  God does want us to prosper; but it is more important to Him that we prosper in the spirit than in the flesh.  Regardless of how much money we have, what kind of car we drive, where we work, or where we live, people will want what we have when they see Jesus in us.  Did Jesus have money? Sure!  He wouldn’t have been able to do the things He did without it.  Did money concern Him?  Absolutely not!  People wanted what Jesus had because they saw God in Him; not because He rode on the coolest donkey, or always had the coolest pair of sandals.  Jesus gave people hope… He gave people joy… and most importantly, He gave people love. Through our actions, attitudes, and most importantly the peace, joy, and love that God gives us, we will bring people to the Father regardless of our financial situation. 

Galatians 5:22-26     Matthew 5:13-16      John 8:12       
Romans 5:1-11        John 13:34-35      Romans 12:9-21        

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