Monday, October 3, 2011

The Uncomplicated Answer


The other night as I was putting Zoe to bed, she was complaining about a “boo-boo” on her foot.  After putting a little medicine on it and saying a prayer, Zoe asked, “Mommy, how does God take them (boo-boo’s) away?”  I replied with an answer that many parents have used throughout many generations: “That’s a good question.  I don’t really know, honey.”  Then, in true child-like wisdom, she answered her own question by stating, “Sometimes I think He takes it away piece by piece; and sometimes He takes it away all at once.”  Once again, God used my daughter to remind me of the simplicity of His kingdom.  It’s me who tries to complicate things.  Here I was trying think of some scientific (yet understandable to a seven-year-old) answer to her question, when all she needed to know is that sometimes God works a little at a time, and sometimes He works all at once.  The next time we are trying to find the solution to one of the many quandaries we have on a daily basis, let’s look to a child.  Who knows?  They may have the answer we’ve been looking for.

Matthew 11:25
Matthew 19:14
Psalm 19:7

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