Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prayer Requests

Please pray for the father of one of my classmates, Kristy. He was in the emergency room earlier today. Pray also for her and the rest of her family for peace, strength, and comfort during this time.

Please pray for Rachel. She is an after school caregiver for my daughter at her school. She was in the emergency room because she could not stop throwing up.

Please pray for the family and friends of Kimberly Greer. She died on Sunday.

Please pray for the family and friends of William Spencer. He died on Monday.

Please pray for a young lady named Shelley. She just found out she's pregnant and has been dealing with a landlord who won't take care of the black mold in her house.

Please pray for all those in the path of Hurricane Earl.

Please pray for my sister and her family who are traveling this week for a wedding.

Please pray for Stephanie and her family. God knows what they need.

Thank you, God, for being with each of these people in their time of need.

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