Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lesson for the Week


If You Don’t Have Peace About It, Don’t Do It

Right now, I have two different men in my life that if I said the “D” word (“dating” in particular), either one of them would come running. I’m not bragging: I’m just making a point. (And for those of you who are single right now you might ask, “What are you waiting for?!”) Well, let me tell you a little about these men. Both of them are Christian and truly have a heart for God. Both of them want to be there for me and my daughter. Both of them are able to take care of themselves financially. Both of them like to cook and have eclectic tastes in music. (Again, you may say, “I still don’t get it. What are you waiting for?!”) In learning to truly get to know each of these men, and in praying extensively about this situation, I know that neither of these men is part of the plan God has for me. Please understand, I am not putting these men down; nor am I saying that I’m better than they are. What I am saying is that even though they are both wonderful and they each have fantastic qualities that many women in my situation would want, neither of these men is for me. Therefore, if I were to choose to have a romantic relationship with either of them, I would be settling for less than the best of what God has for me. So my question to you is, how often do you “settle for” things in your life because waiting for something better just takes too long and seems too hard? You might take a job God never wanted you to have because you’re afraid if you don’t, “a better one” won’t come along. You might start a relationship with someone God does not want you with because you’re afraid “the right one” won’t come along. You might start a business you’re not ready to handle because you think “the right time” won’t come along. I’ve done each of these things; and with each wrong decision I made my life a little more complicated. Was God always there to help me clean up the mess? Absolutely! Will I make more mistakes in my life? No doubt! But what I have learned from these bad choices is that there are times to take action and there are times to just wait on God. Do we always know which way to go? Maybe not; but a general rule to follow is, “If you don’t have peace about it, don’t do it.”

Psalm 46:10
Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 27:13-14
Isaiah 40:30-31

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