Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lesson for the Week

Let Your Blessings Flow

We live in a give and take society. There are those who are givers, and those who are takers. If you notice, the takers have a really hard time giving, and the givers have a really hard time taking. What most of us may not understand is, there is a balance and flow to life. Does God want us to have a giving heart and spirit? Definitely! “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV). There are times, however, when He wants us to receive. He is trying to bless us daily, but since we don’t always understand His love for us, or we think we may not deserve it, we won’t accept that blessing .
God blesses us for many reasons, one being that He wants to see our joy. Think about Christmas morning. Doesn’t it do our hearts good to see our children or loved ones open up a present we spent time picking out for them? God feels the same way when He gives us a gift. He wants us to just enjoy what we‘ve been given. Another reason He may bless us, however, is so He can use us to bless someone else. Think about the times in life when someone has given you a gift that doesn’t quite fit your personality, or it’s something you already have. You are very appreciative, but you know you won‘t use it. At that point, ask God to show you someone who needs that very thing.
There is another aspect to this matter that we must consider. There are times in life when God may want us to give away something that is very important to us. We’ve all heard the phrase “give till it hurts”? I think this may be where that expression comes from. I once heard a story from Joyce Meyer about this very subject. I don’t remember all the particulars, but here are the basics. Now, for those of you who have heard and seen Joyce, you know she’s a clothes horse. She loves her fashion. Long before her large financial blessings started coming in, and getting new clothes was rare, she went shopping and got herself a new outfit. Shortly thereafter, in spite of the fact that she had not worn it yet, God told her to give her new clothes away. Joyce’s reaction, as most of ours would probably be, was “Excuse me? You want me to do what?” Though it was hard for her to do, Joyce eventually gave her new outfit to an acquaintance of hers. She understood, as we must also, that everything we receive from God, still truly belongs to Him. “Everything under heaven belongs to me.” (Job 41:11, NIV) Some things He may want us to keep and enjoy, while others He may want us to pass on. As you continue in your walk with God, ask Him to teach you the balance and flow of His blessings.

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