Friday, August 20, 2010

God Does Have a Sense of Humor

Align Center
OK, so let me tell you about my day. This morning I got up to a daughter who was already awake. Well, glory! That means no fighting with her first thing in the morning. After getting her to the kitchen table, however, I discover she has a temperature. This not only means that she is not going to school, but that she can't go to her dad's this weekend. The good thing is that so far she has not thrown a fit about that. After calling her teacher and getting her settled in her room for some rest, I go and work out and then get ready to go to class. Thank you, God, that I have family to watch my daughter for me when I need it! I call my ex-husband. He ignores the call. I go to class. The phone rings. It's not him. The phone rings after class. It's still not him, and it just so happens to be my doctor telling me that the tests that they ran on a couple of moles from my arm two weeks ago turned out to be melanoma. The good thing is that they think they got it all. The bad thing is that they still want to do more testing to be sure. The doctor says not to worry. I cry. Then I go about my day feeling fear and anger. I call my ex-husband again. He continues to ignore the call. I go to my daughter's doctor because the medicine he prescribed for her was the wrong dosage. They say they'll get it worked out. I go to the store, and as I'm leaving I get a call from the pediatrician telling me to go to the pharmacy and pick up the correct prescription. YAY! Something good! I go home and "deal with" my ADHD daughter who has been refusing to take her medicine for two weeks. At this point she is acting as the child who comes up to you and pinches your arm and asks, "Does this hurt?"; and when you say no, they pinch it harder. When you tell them what to do, you may as well be talking to the table in front of you. It's a miracle I didn't completely lose it. After getting her settled for some rest time, I decided to rest myself. I got a few minutes in front of the TV so that I may forget about any part of my day. About 40 minutes later, I go upstairs to get Zoe out of the bed and take her to the pharmacy to get her medicine. After having to tell her about 15 times to get changed, we left. Before we set foot into the store, I made sure to tell Zoe not to touch anything because she had been sick. Well, that worked for about 30 seconds. I got to the counter and found out that the new prescription never reached the pharmacy, and they were not going to be able to fill it without a paper copy. So I called Zoe's doctor's office, and they got one ready. The pharmacist told me I did not have to return there, I could get it filled at their sister store in the same building as the doctor's office. So I drove back to the office, picked up the prescription, went downstairs to get it filled, and they told me that I needed to return to the other pharmacy. OK, do you know that look that a cat gets when you've irritated them a little too much? Their back arches... their eyes get really big... they hiss... and they look like they're ready to strike? Well, that was me. I took a deep breath and told her the situation. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to keep my temper in check. She called the other store, and got everything taken care of. I apologized. Next, Zoe and I went to pick up supper. I got into Jersey Mike's to find a long line. I thought about leaving, but decided that I didn't want another burger and fries. We waited for about 10 minutes behind a lady who just happened to the be the parent of one of Zoe's classmates. We talked. She was having a rough time. I was having a rough time. In the midst of our days, it was blessing. We got to the front of the line to place our order and this is what we heard, "I'm sorry ma'am. We just ran out of bread." Are you serious? So I take Zoe and leave to go get supper at Hardee's. No burger and fries, just a hot dog. Did I have a stroke from all the anxiety of my day? No. Have I felt like beating something up? Yes. On the way home, God reminded me of the Joyce Meyer program that I had seen this morning during my workout. Her topic of the day was... 'Keep watch over the words you speak... and don't complain!' I should never need proof again that God does have a sense of humor.

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