Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lesson for the Week

The Red Herring

How many of you have heard of the ‘red herring’? It is “a deliberate attempt to change a subject or divert an argument.” ( We’ve all used this tactic a time or two. Think back to when you were kids. If you were in trouble, what was the first thing you said to your parents? “All my friends are doing it!” To which our parents would kindly respond, “If all your friends were going to jump off a bridge, would you do it too?” I can remember being in trouble, and instead of just sucking it up and taking responsibility for what I’d done, I would tell them something my sister did wrong in order to take the focus off of me. That is a classic ‘red herring’. The funny thing about this ploy is that even as adults, we still use it; and the bad thing is we use it in our relationship with God. I remember a time when God asked me to stop watching a certain TV show that I really liked. I even had videos of the show, and my friends and I would talk about it all the time. My natural response to this request was, “But God, what about my friends?” His response was, “We’re not talking about your friends. We’re talking about you.” OUCH! How many of you remember your parents throwing that one at you when you were a teenager? It turned out that the request was just a temporary one. That particular show, at that particular time in my life, was taking up too much of my energy; and was taking my focus away from God. Now I can occasionally enjoy the show in syndication, and it doesn’t consume my thoughts the way it used to. Once again, God showed me that His way is best. The next time God is dealing with you about something in your life and your natural inclination is to say, “But God…” stop yourself and think. Am I getting ready to throw a ‘red herring’ on the subject? What are God’s reasons for what he is asking me to do? Do I even have to know what the reasons are in order to follow Him? Do I really believe that His way is best? Some of these questions are hard, but they may be necessary. If you’re having trouble with His requests, remember that God is always in control, He knows everything, and He won’t give you anything you can’t handle.

Romans 8:5-17
Psalm 32:8-9

Matthew 16:24-26

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