Friday, August 19, 2011

Prayers and Praises

Praise!  Della is home and feeling better.  Please continue to pray for her for further healing of an infection and her ankle.

Please pray for Debbie and her daughter as they will be traveling soon.

Please pray for Herman and his family.

Please pray for all of the people (and their families) who are being laid off from Bank of America.

Praise! Rowen turned two this week, and his party was very successful and safe!

Please pray for a woman who was attacked in my neighborhood a couple of days ago.  The man who did it is in custody.  Please pray God's will be done.

Please pray for all the freshman who are moving in this weekend at ASU.  Pray for safety for all who will be on campus this weekend.

Please pray for Zoe.  She went to bed with a runny nose this evening and I am speaking against any sickness in this house.

Praise! A friend of mine was having a tough beginning to his week, but is now doing much better.

Praise!  My friend Kelly's grandfather turns 80 this weekend.  
School starts here at ASU next week.  Please pray for all the new and returning students.

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
(James 5:16, NIV) 

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