Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lost and Found

by Tericia Eller
My family recently relocated out of state to a much larger city than we had lived in. I am not known for my superb navigational skills, so learning my way around a new town has been a challenge.  Just one of those challenges happened the other day on the way home from soccer camp with my girls (11 and 6).  I drove straight through a light where I was supposed to have turned left.  Rather than turn around immediately and get on the path I knew, I insisted on trying to figure out where I was going. Pride took over.  We did manage to get back to an intersection I recognized, but not until after a few more mistakes.  The next day, I took the new route to soccer camp I had accidently discovered (minus the wrong turns). When we reached the intersection where I had first messed up the day before, my 11-year-old daughter said, “Dang! It took us a lot longer to get lost than it did to find our way back!”  I laughed ALOUD at the innocent wisdom of her statement! It suddenly occurred to me that our walk with the Lord is the same way!
 When we, as believers, get spiritually lost, it usually takes time.  It rarely happens over night.  We start by occasionally skipping devotional time with God; sleeping in on Sunday; putting off our prayers; not returning that phone call from a Godly friend.  Next thing you know, we are painfully lost.  Pride prevented us from getting back on track immediately. We knew what we were doing.  This way HAD to be right! But here’s the great thing about Grace.  When we realize, and ADMIT that we are lost on our own and need to get back on track with God, getting back takes only moments!  All we need to do is repent, turn AWAY from our sin and turn TOWARDS our God!  He NEVER leaves us, but we often leave Him.  When we turn our lost selves toward Him and say, “Daddy, I’m lost!  Help me find the way!”  He does just that. Our Heavenly Father lovingly guides us back to The One True Path.  And we realize that it takes a lot longer to get lost than it does to find our way back! 
 Let me ask you, friend, are your spiritual surroundings starting to look unfamiliar?  Has pride been a roadblock?  Are you beginning to feel lost?  God knows.  He’s waiting for you to ask. Cry out to Him.  Tell Him how lost you are and how badly you desire to get back on track.  Turn your whole self towards Him.  He will set you right again.
  • Proverbs 14.12
  • Galatians 5.25
  • James 1.13-18
  • James 5.19-20
  • 2 Timothy 2.22-26
  • Luke 15.10
  • Luke 15.11-31
  • Acts 3:19-20

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