Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Prayers and Praises

Praise God for healing Mr. Tilson. His last test results showed no evidence of Alzheimer's.

Please continue to pray for my family. I have had walking pneumonia, and my daughter had some fever last night with a cough. My mother was not feeling well last week; and though she is better now, her dr. is doing some follow-up tests.

Pray for K. She has not been feeling well.

Pray for my family. They are traveling this weekend.

Pray for the people who are dealing with the flooding in Oklahoma.

Pray for all those in tornado alley during this summer season.

Pray for those in the Gulf Coast still dealing with the fallout of the oil leak.

Thank you, God, that even when we don't see it, you are always in control.

Pray for all the students in summer school. It's tough to learn that much information in such a short period of time.

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