Thursday, June 17, 2010

How We Started - The First Lesson

There are many of you who have not heard the initial lesson that sparked the idea for this ministry. Here, written back in January of 2009, is the first "lesson" that God ever gave me to give to you. I hope that each of you are blessed by it, and have a fabulous day!

Lesson in a Shell
Every year in the month of October, one of my best friends, Kelly, goes to the beach with her family for a week. For the last several years she has asked me to go with her. Since I did not have a job in October of 2008, I decided this was the year to go. I truly wanted my boyfriend at the time, Christopher, to go, but he had to work. The only thing he asked me to bring to him was a large whole shell. You know those really big conch shells that you put up to your ear and pretend you can hear the sound of the ocean? That was all he wanted; so the last day I was there I looked for one on the beach. I walked around for quite some time, but all I could find were plain looking shells with chips and holes in them. I was determined not to give up, however, when I came across a rather large shell. It was a perfect size, but it, like the others, was also damaged. It had missing parts, cracks and holes all over it. Upon looking at this shell, my first thought was to toss it away because it wasn’t whole. The next thing I heard, I have kept with me ever since. “Just because it isn’t whole, doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful.” At that point I knew that God wanted me to take this shell back to my boyfriend so he would know just how beautiful God thought he was. How many days have you felt pieces of you were missing? Do you wake up and go to bed feeling that awful hole in your heart? You can only fill it with God. Drugs won’t do it; alcohol won’t do it; sex won’t do it; and for people like myself, food won’t do it either. We are only whole with God in our hearts and minds; but even before we make that decision to let Him into our lives, He loves us and sees us as beautiful in His sight. “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good…” (Genesis 1:31, NIV).

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