Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who Are You Giving Your Pearls To?


What do you do with that thing that is keeping you from God’s blessings?  Understand me, I don’t mean that it keeps you from God… it just isn’t exactly what God has planned for you.  Do you run away from it?  Do you face it?  Do you go around it?  Well, I suppose it depends on what that thing is.  For me, it’s a relationship with a certain individual.  I love this person a lot, yet no matter how much love I show them, I still end up getting hurt.  I continue to let this person know that what they are doing is hurting me, yet they continue to do it.  I’ve decided to walk away from this person more than once.  Each time they come back to me truly sorry for their actions, I forgive them, and then they hurt me in the same way as before.  How much do I forgive?  Matthew 18:21-22 says, “The Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” (NIV)  OK, so I should continue to forgive, but should I continue to let this person back into my life, knowing they will continue to cause me pain?  The answer is no.  This morning as I was reading my Bible and looking for scriptures on sin and forgiveness, God brought me to Matthew 7:6: “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs.  If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” (NIV)  Think about it this way.  Let’s just say that your best friend’s birthday was coming up in about a month.  You spend your evenings either in the stores, or searching the internet for just the right present.  Finally, about a week before the big day, you find the perfect gift.  You take it home and wrap it lovingly, making it look as beautiful as possible (presentation, you know…).  You make plans with this person to meet them, knowing that they will be so excited to see what you got for them.  The day finally comes and you can hardly wait to see the look on their face when they open the box.  You get there, give them the box, they open it, and then they throw that precious gift on the ground.  They take the present you took so much care in finding and jump up and down on it, trampling it into the dirt.  It’s kind of painful to think about isn’t it?  So what do you do next?  That’s the hard part, but the thing that God wants us all to do.  You forgive.  But next year on their birthday, how easy is it going to be to give them another present… and how much time will you spend on it?  Knowing what they are capable of doing to the gifts you give, you won’t be so quick to give them.  That doesn’t mean you don’t love them, pray for them, are there for them when life gets a little too tough… it just means you don’t give away the best of yourself to those you know are not going to appreciate it.  God treats us in much the same way.  When we don’t take care of the things he gives us, does He continue to give us more or less?  (Matthew 25:14-30)  God does want us to give.  It’s a directive from Him that will never change.  He made it clear, however, that giving your best to those who do not understand your value, will only lead to pain.  As you make giving a part of your life, make sure you prayerfully consider who, or what, you give to.

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