Thursday, September 30, 2010

Prayers and Praises

Please pray for all the people who are dealing with flooding along the east coast.

Please pray for me as I decide what to do about letting my daughter go on her first out-of-town field trip. I need wisdom.

Praise to God for help in healing. Each day gets a little easier, and God is giving me freedom from not only the pain itself, but from the source of the pain. Thank you, God, for all you do!

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36, NIV)


  1. As a mom I know that it can be difficult to begin that "letting go" process with your children. And yes, "letting go" begins as soon as they start school! :) But thankfully it comes in bits and pieces, for you and for her! And usually the best we can do is to let them go (there's a first time for everything is true!), and see how it goes. Trust yourself, trust your daughter (she needs her independence too!), and most of all, trust God! He will take care of her while taking care of you as well!

  2. Thank you for your help with this. I asked God for peace in my decision to let her go. Your words are further confirmation. Bless you!
