Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lesson for the Week


This morning I was trying to catch up on some homework from my art appreciation class. Right now we are studying the elements of art, one of which is perspective. Once I was finished going over the ideas of linear perspective, isometric perspective, and atmospheric perspective, I began to think of all the perspectives in which we view God. This brought me back to a morning several months ago when I decided to have my personal devotional time out on my parents’ screened-in porch. Before I could really begin to read or pray, I was struck by one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. It was so simple, and something any of us could notice on any sunny day; but for me on this day, it was just amazing. It was the sight of the sun piercing through all the leaves on the trees surrounding our house. With each step in a different direction, the view changed; yet it always remained beautiful. It reminded me very much of a kaleidoscope. Every time you turn a kaleidoscope, the view changes, though the colors and the beauty of it never do. I think this is how we tend to look at God. As we go through our lives, our view, or our perspective, of God changes with every step we take, with every problem we solve, with every storm we survive, and with every season we’re in. When we’re in the midst of a battle, we see God as our warrior. When we are hurting from a loss, we see God as our comforter. When we are wondering whether or not our next check will cover our expenses, we see God as our provider. When we are sick and begin to question whether or not we will ever feel better, we see God as our healer. The ways we see God seem to continually change depending on our situation; yet God, himself, never changes. Regardless of our perspective, God is the same “…yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8, NIV)

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