Monday, August 30, 2010

Prayers and Praises

Praise God for his healing hand! Last week my daughter and I both had a sinus infection, and we are now both on the mend. Please pray for my mother in that she has gotten it. She has gone to the dr. today, and I pray that she is getting better.

Please pray for some single mothers I have been in contact with recently who are continuing to deal with some issues concerning child support and custody.

My ex-husband just lost his job the other day. I continue to need child support from him for our daughter. Please pray that he finds a new job quickly.

I have struggled for a long time with loneliness. Please pray for me.

Praise God for being a friend and comforter!

Pray for revival in our country.

I went to a fundraiser this past weekend for a lady who is dealing with cancer. I'm sorry I cannot remember her name at this time. Please pray for not only her quick healing, but also a cure for this disease.

Praise God for who He is: love, grace, mercy, joy, peace... Please feel free to add on what He means to you!!

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