Thursday, May 27, 2010

God Does the "Mom-Bar"

As I was looking for just the right picture to go with this post, I kept coming across this one. If you'll notice, the child looks absolutely terrified. This is the same look I sometimes get when facing certain situations. Check out the mom, though. You've heard of the mambo? Well, she's doing what I call the "mom-bar". You know what I'm talking about. It's when your mom magically turns her arm into a bar of steel to keep you from going through the front windshield of her car anytime she has to hit the brakes. Well, this woman has got it down!! Though she may be scared, herself, she will make sure that no one and nothing will hurt her child, regardless of the situation. Well, that's what a parent does; and so we must remember that God is our parent. He is going to do whatever it takes to keep us safe on our own personal roller coasters. The next time the ups and downs seem to be too much for you, remember that God is right next to you doing the "mom-bar".

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