Friday, April 13, 2012

The Decision


How many of you have a person in your life you would rather not have to deal with?  I think we all do.  It’s that person who on some days you get along with just fine, but on other days it takes all your effort just to be nice to them.  It could be a family member, a co-worker, your child’s teacher, or a friend of a friend.  It’s someone that makes you inwardly groan when you see them, but you grin and bear it until they’re gone.  Well, I’m dealing with that person today.
This morning as I was driving my daughter to her grandmother’s house, I got a message from this person; and in four little words, he managed to tick me off.  As I sat in the car humming to keep from spouting inappropriate explicatives about this person, I knew that I would have to forgive him.  At that point, however, I just wanted to be mad.  I liked being mad.  In some odd way it made me feel good just to be mad at him. 
Then, later, as I was sitting in class, I realized that I was having a very difficult time concentrating on my teacher.  All I could think about was how angry I was.  My teacher was up there giving us information on learning principles and I could barely pay enough attention to him to ‘learn’ any of it.  I knew it was my anger that was causing the problem but I couldn’t seem to let it go.  Then the thought hit me, “I bet he isn’t even aware that I’m mad.  He has no idea and is not even affected by it.  I’m the one who’s suffering… not him.”
Though I knew I was going to do this eventually, I then made the decision to forgive.  That doesn’t mean that I still didn’t feel some amount of anger, I just knew that I had to start the process of forgiveness with that decision.  And even as I’m sitting here typing, I’m still feeling angry.  But what I do know is that God will help me get to the other side of that anger, and eventually, it will be gone altogether.  So the next time you have to deal with ‘that person’ in your life, set your mind to forgiveness.  Have that decision ready to go in your heart and mind.  You may not have to make it on that particular day; but I promise you… one day you will. 

Matthew 6: 12, 14-15

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