Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just Go


My daughter has this great ’beginner’s bible’.  I love the stories in it because it makes things so easy to understand.  One day I was reading to her, I came across a story titled, “Helpers and Friends”.  It was the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, and he was looking for men to help him.  “Jesus knew that he had much work to do.  He wanted to have some good friends who could help him.  One day Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee.  He saw two boats there.  Peter and Andrew were fishing from one boat.  James and John were mending a net in the other boat.  Jesus called to them, “Come and follow me.”  And they did.” (The Beginner’s Bible, Zonderkids, ref. Luke 5:1-11).  As I read that page, the following thought came to my mind: “That’ll preach!!!”  Think about it.  All Jesus had to say was “come with me”, and they did.  They didn’t ask where they were going, who they were going to see, or what they were going to do.  They didn’t stop to ask anyone’s permission,  they didn’t wait until they were done with that day’s work, and they didn’t stop to think, “Do I have what it takes to work with this man?”.  They didn’t try to figure it out.  They just went.  God tells us to “come and follow” Him everyday.  Sometimes what He has for us is simple, and other days it may seem impossible; but don’t try to figure it out.  Just go.      

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