Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Prayers and Praises

Please pray for all those who are traveling this week after the holiday.

Please pray for Nora for wisdom in decision making.

Praise God!  My daughter's dental work went extremely well.  There were no complications.

Please pray for me as I have been struggling with pain in my neck and shoulders.

Praise!... Susan is now up and around after her surgery. 

Please continue to pray for my parents as they are still waiting for the construction on their house to be finished.

Please pray for Frankie and his new wife for blessings in their marriage.

Please pray for a friend of mine who is struggling with addictions in his life.

"...worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.  Tremble before him, all the earth!..."  
(1 Chronicles 16:29-30, NIV)

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