Monday, June 20, 2011

Truckloads of Grace

Yesterday I saw a friend of mine who was going through a particularly rough time in his life.  During our conversation I noticed the amount of peace he seemed to have in the midst of such difficulty.  After focusing the conversation on his family and their needs, he told me that he, personally, was getting through each day by “truckloads of grace” from God.  According to the World English Dictionary, Christianity defines grace as, “the free and unmerited favour of God shown towards man.” (  My friend fully understood and appreciated that grace.  He knew that he could not get through each day of his life without the favor that God gives to us so abundantly (Romans 5:17).  And regardless of our circumstances, good or bad, neither can we.  When things are going well, we can forget how much we need Him; but when things go wrong, we surely know that we can’t live without Him.  Thank God today for the Grace that He gives you.  Today you may only need a handful; but know that a truckload is waiting for you when you need it.
2 Corinthians 12:9

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