Monday, June 13, 2011

Listen Up

As I sit and write this devotional, I am struck with the thought that I may need to change the name of my ministry to Lessons through My Child.  As a parent I am continually reminded just how much God has to teach me in the interactions I have with my child each and every day.  This morning, knowing that she had a lot to carry into school, I told her that she needed to consolidate… that is, put her water bottle and her jacket into her backpack so that she will easily be able to carry all her belongings into school.  When we got to the front of the drop off line I heard, “I have too much to carry.”  Immediately I became irritated.  I thought, “Didn’t I just tell you how to consolidate your things so that you would be able to carry everything?  Did you even listen to me?”  (Sometimes I forget that Zoe is only seven.)  After getting out of the car and helping her get her stuff together, I drove off frustrated and praying for strength.  Then I began to think about all the times that God gives us direction, we ignore it, and then we complain about the disaster that ensues as a result.  We ask God why things went wrong, and all the while He is saying, “I already told you what you needed to do, you just didn’t listen.”  Ouch!  That’s what I said to my daughter in a nutshell this morning!  I have to remember that just as Zoe is my child, I am God’s child.  And just as Zoe needs to listen to me, I need to listen to God.  He directs us as a product of His awesome love… to keep us safe… to help us in times of trouble… even to make our loads a little easier to carry.  Lord, help us to listen…
John 10:27-28
Proverbs 12:15
Revelation 3:20

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