Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Moment to Moment


Tonight as I was flipping through the TV channels I came across a story on Oprah about a woman named Ruby.  Ruby is a severely overweight woman who decided to use “reality TV” to help others deal with the physical, spiritual, and emotional issues associated with being overweight in today’s society.  As I was listening to her very inspirational story, Oprah made a profound comment.  She spoke about taking our journey “one victory at a time”.  I agree, and believe that God does want us to live from “glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18).  We need to look at the whole picture, though.  It’s important for us to take things ‘one step at a time‘, live ‘one day at a time’, or ‘moment to moment’; but sometimes those ’steps’ and ’moments’ don’t seem so victorious.  There are times when the struggle seems just too much.  Think about today’s economy.  Like it or not, it has affected us all.  We all seem to be doing whatever we can just to keep going, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem to be enough.  That’s why living in the moment is so important.  “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  God is the God of our past and our future; but most importantly He is the God of our present.  He even calls Himself “I Am”. (Exodus 3:14)  No matter what piece of our journey we happen to be on, God is there.  In that moment of pain, He is there.  In that moment of fear, He is there.  Even in that moment of failure, He is there.  God is there to pick us up, wipe our tears, calm our fears, forgive our sins, and help us move on.  It is in that moment, that we experience His victory. 

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