Thursday, March 31, 2011

Let Them Know


Have you ever been walking by someone in your favorite store and noticed something you like about that person?  For a man it could be the suit he’s wearing, or the type of cell phone he uses (men generally love electronics).  For a woman it could be the shirt she has on, or that she’s having a particularly good hair day (you know it‘s about fashion).  The other day I was in Wal-mart, and I saw this woman who had on a very pretty pair of earrings that complimented her amazingly well.  As I was walking in the opposite direction she was, God said, “tell her”.  Now, immediately I began to make excuses.  “If I turn around after passing her by just to tell her I like her earrings, she’s going to think I’m either stupid or stalking her; neither of which is a good thing.”  After a few moments of the internal battle we all are familiar with, I turned around.  Unfortunately, by the time I got back to that same aisle, she was gone.  I immediately asked God to forgive me; and asked Him to give me another chance to be an encourager.  Consider the word encourage.  Microsoft Works defines it as “to give somebody hope, confidence, or courage”.  Isn’t that wonderful?  Think about how you feel when someone pays you a compliment.  It can not only boost your self confidence, but occasionally it can make your whole day better.  The next time you think of something nice to say to someone, don’t be afraid to say it.  “Brothers, if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak.” (Acts 13:15, NIV)

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