Monday, January 10, 2011

They Can Huff and They Can Puff...

Sunday morning as I was listening to Pastor Hunt give his message on building the proper foundations in life, I was reminded of the story of The Three Little Pigs. Now, I know we’ve all heard the story, but let’s recap. The first pig built his house of straw, and when the wolf came to the door, the house came down. The second pig built his house of sticks, and again, the wolf blew that house to the ground. The third pig, the wisest of the three, built his house of bricks; so when the wolf came to his door, he could huff and puff all he wanted. That little pig had confidence and peace because he knew his house was built on a solid foundation and was there to stay. How often do we build our lives from straw and sticks, and ignore the foundational bricks that God gives us in His word? When the wolf (the storms of life) comes to our door, does his huffing and puffing shake our world apart; or are we able to rest securely on the solid foundation of God’s word? Let’s make our minds up to put a new brick on our foundation each day. Let’s read the Word and stay in prayer so when the wolf comes to our door, we can stand firm.

Isaiah 28:16

2 Timothy 2:19

1 Corinthians 3:11-15

Matthew 7:24-27

Ephesians 2:19-

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