Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lesson for the Week

More than Enough

The other day God had to throw a little reminder my way. Don’t you just love those? This particular one was about praying in faith. One morning last week I woke up later than I should have so I was in a rush. After helping my daughter dress for school and getting her settled at the breakfast table, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water and there it was… the slow trickle. I thought, “You’ve got to be kidding me! On this of all days…?” At that point I remember saying a “God I need your help” prayer and just trying to ‘deal with’ the situation. I remember telling God that I didn’t need this on a day that I was already running late. I remember begging, “Please, God. I need you to give me some water pressure.” I remember thinking, “I’ll never get my entire head wet, let alone get it washed and conditioned!” And just as I was about to whine my prayer to Him one more time, God gave me the nudge that I needed. He said, “You’ve already prayed, but you didn’t thank me.” Now, I learned many years ago about praying in faith, and for those of you who have been with me for a while, you know that I have written lessons on the subject; but everyone needs their memory jogged every now and again, right? So what did I need to do? You can all say it with me… come on… thank God for His answer to my prayer. Now here’s the cool part. The second the words ‘thank you’ came out of my mouth, the water rushed through the pipes and out of the shower head. And not only did I have enough water pressure to get my hair cleaned and conditioned, I had enough to last me throughout my shower. On top of that, my father was nice enough to take my daughter to school for me so that I could have a few extra minutes to get ready. God didn’t just give me ‘enough’ help that morning; He gave me ‘more than enough’. In that same tradition, I’m giving you a little bit extra this week… two lessons for the price of one:

Lesson #1: Praying in faith opens doors for God to work in our lives.

Lesson #2: God gives us everything we need, and quite often He gives us more.

So the next time you pray, don’t forget to thank God for his answer (whatever that answer might be). And if the answer doesn’t come right away, just remember that God is faithful; and He is the God of ‘more than enough’.

Matthew 9:29
Matthew 11:23-24
Ephesians 3:20-21

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