Friday, June 25, 2010

Prayers and Praises

Please pray for Deb. She is dealing with some red tape concerning the finances surrounding her house.

Praise God! I finally made it through this summer session; and I just found out that I passed with an A!

Praise God for the return of my health. He provided the medicine I needed for long-term healing.

Please pray for K's dad as he may be facing surgery to remove a part of his colon.

Please pray for C for healing.

Please pray for E for healing.

Praise God for having such a successful VBS. I'm really grateful that my daughter had such a good time.

Pray for Scott who is dealing with a dental problem and can't get professional help until Monday.

Please pray for N and her family who are traveling with friends this weekend.

Thank you, God, for working all things out for good for those who love you!

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