Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Prayers and Praises

Please pray for David Hampton's mother as she recovers from surgery.

Please continue to pray for a family friend, Laura. Her husband is dealing with dementia and she is looking for a home for him. Pray for healing and peace for her and her family.

Please pray for my father, Brooks, as he hurt his hand this afternoon while working with some bungee chords. He did not have to go to the hospital or get a tetanus shot, Thank God! I pray that his wound will heal quickly.

Please pray for all the ASU students who are studying for summer finals this week.

As a parent I feel that we need to continue to pray for our children. It is my fondest wish that my daughter's relationship with God grows more each day.

Please pray for me as I go to see my doctor tomorrow. Pray for God's wisdom and favor in this situation.

Thank you, God, for your healing power.

Praise you, God, for giving me the energy I need!

Please pray for all the kids who are going to Vacation Bible School this week and in the weeks to come. "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14, NIV))

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